Darcrus (CURRENCY:DAR) traded flat against the US dollar during the 1 day period ending at 20:00 PM ET on June 23rd. One Darcrus token can currently be purchased for $0.0900 or 0.00001470 BTC on major cryptocurrency exchanges. In the last seven days, Darcrus has traded down 17.5% against the US dollar. Darcrus has a market capitalization of $1.22 million and approximately $0.00 worth of Darcrus was traded on exchanges in the last 24 hours.
Here’s how other cryptocurrencies have performed in the last 24 hours:
Get Darcrus alerts: XRP (XRP) traded down 6.7% against the dollar and now trades at $0.52 or 0.00008331 BTC. Ripple (XRP) traded down 0.5% against the dollar and now trades at $0.49 or 0.00007982 BTC. Stellar (XLM) traded down 0.9% against the dollar and now trades at $0.20 or 0.00003293 BTC. TRON (TRX) traded down 0.5% against the dollar and now trades at $0.0436 or 0.00000712 BTC. IOTA (MIOTA) traded up 1.4% against the dollar and now trades at $1.02 or 0.00016665 BTC. Tether (USDT) traded 0% lower against the dollar and now trades at $1.00 or 0.00016359 BTC. NEO (NEO) traded up 0.1% against the dollar and now trades at $33.73 or 0.00550840 BTC. Binance Coin (BNB) traded 2.5% lower against the dollar and now trades at $15.35 or 0.00250668 BTC. VeChain (VET) traded 1.9% lower against the dollar and now trades at $2.76 or 0.00045077 BTC. Ontology (ONT) traded 6.8% lower against the dollar and now trades at $5.01 or 0.00081889 BTC.Darcrus Profile
Darcrus’ genesis date was December 12th, 2016. Darcrus’ total supply is 13,600,388 tokens. Darcrus’ official Twitter account is @darcrus. The official website for Darcrus is darcr.us.
Darcrus Token Trading
Darcrus can be bought or sold on these cryptocurrency exchanges: Waves Decentralized Exchange. It is usually not presently possible to purchase alternative cryptocurrencies such as Darcrus directly using U.S. dollars. Investors seeking to acquire Darcrus should first purchase Ethereum or Bitcoin using an exchange that deals in U.S. dollars such as Changelly, GDAX or Coinbase. Investors can then use their newly-acquired Ethereum or Bitcoin to purchase Darcrus using one of the exchanges listed above.