Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The 10 Best Financial Tweets For Thursday, July 25

There are millions of tweets written every day. Benzinga sifts through the maelstrom of information to find the ten best tweets of the day that are either informative, insightful, or just down right comical.

1. Carl Icahn

Carl Icahn (@Carl_C_Icahn) took to Twitter to tweet his displeasure with the Dell (NASDAQ: for control of the company.

All would be swell at Dell if Michael and the board bid farewell.

— Carl Icahn (@Carl_C_Icahn) July 24, 2013

2. Phil LeBeau

CNBC's Phil LeBeau (@Lebeaucarners) took to Twitter following General Motors' (NYSE: GM) earnings release Thursday morning. He noted that for both GM and Ford (NYSE: F), European losses narrowed significantly last quarter, a key sign that the weakest of the big three's regional markets showed signs of improvement last quarter.

BREAKING: Key # in @GM Q2 Earnings: Losses in Europe ar $100 Million, big improvement vs. last year losses of $400 million.

— Phil LeBeau (@Lebeaucarnews) July 25, 2013

Related: Facebook Soars on Q2 Financial Results.

3. Downtown Josh Brown

Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) took to Twitter to share an article from Fortune magazine about the lack of information that investors have access to relating to the bond market. The article is a must read for fixed income investors.

You know a lot less about the bond market than you think http://t.co/P4xl6Q6vH1

— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) July 25, 2013

4. Barron's Online

Barron's Online (@barronsonline) tweeted an article from the Wall Street Journal. The article highlights that investors who are selling bonds and bond funds are reticent to invest into stocks and are piling more money into low-yield money market funds.

"The day is approaching when no market will be safe for investors"-- from Comments on story http://t.co/axflkOqyLn via @WSJ

— Barron's Online (@barronsonline) July 25, 2013

5. Holger Zschaep! itz

Senior editor of the financial and economic desk at Die Welt Holger Zschaepitz (@Schuldensuehner) tweeted a Bloomberg article that highlighted an interesting investment that was recently made by Blackstone (NYSE: BX).

"We believe strongly in a recovery of the Spanish economy." Blackstone to Buy Madrid Apartments in First for #Spain. http://t.co/hVQ5diDGrP

— Holger Zschaepitz (@Schuldensuehner) July 25, 2013

6. Kathimerini English

The English-language site of Greek news outlet Khathimerini (@ekathimerini) tweeted one of its articles that highlights an interesting and somewhat depressing fact of the latest bailout talks in Greece. They note that nearly half of Greece's next bailout payment will go directly back to its lenders that have forced the bailout on the country.

More than half of Ä4bln Greece is to receive next week will go straight back to lenders http://t.co/oxcTcBb6on

— Kathimerini English (@ekathimerini) July 25, 2013

7. Lawrence McDonald

Lawrence McDonald (@Convertbond) of LGM Group tweeted an interesting fact about corporate profits. Specifically, he highlights an interesting effect of lower interest rates and Federal Reserve easing on profits of S&P 500 companies.

Corporate savings on interest expense after #QE 's historic rate lows has accounted for about 47% of S&P 500 earnings growth since 2009

— Lawrence McDonald (@Convertbond) July 25, 2013

8. Charles Rotblut, CFA

Charles Rotblut (@charlesrotblut), Vice President at the American Association of Individual Investors, tweeted the latest AAII Sentiment Survey. He notes that the survey shows that investors are bullish but not unusually so.

AAII Sentiment Survey: Bullish sentiment above 40% for 4th week, but not unusually high http://t.co/XMpXl1YmBW

— Charles Rotblut, CFA (@charlesrotblut) July 25, 2013

9. Platts Oil

Platts Oil (@PlattsOil) tweeted a recent data point released by! the IEA.! The IEA expects the world energy market to grow strongly over the next three decades.

World energy demand to grow 56% by 2040, according to #EIA's 2013 International Energy Outlook -- #oil

— Platts Oil (@PlattsOil) July 25, 2013

10. IMF

The International Monetary Fund (@IMFNews) tweeted a press release that the economic think tank issued this morning. They made several recommendations for the eurozone policy makers in order for the region to revive growth and boost jobs.

#IMF: More policy efforts needed to revive growth and create #jobs in #eurozone http://t.co/G0wVIqUQCk

— IMF (@IMFNews) July 25, 2013

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