Sunday, February 16, 2014

Gold rides high on the taper effect

Gold prices are heading toward the biggest weekly advance since October. Call it the taper effect. 3.4% gain since Monday

Increasingly-popular wide-moat ETF gives investors an easy way to invest like Warren Buffet. MOAT includes 21 companies with deep and wide competitive advantages. Up 1.3% this year

We might be giving the weather too much credit for the sluggish economic growth. It's cold and snowy, and in other news, it's February. The economics of global cooling

Venture capitalist Tom Perkins wades into the income inequality debate by suggesting the rich should get more votes than the poor. Yep, he said that out loud in public. ”I intended to be outrageous”

Top 10 Penny Companies For 2015

The case for dressing-up your LinkedIn profile. Even Barack Obama has a complete profile and he already has a job. 260 million users can't be wrong

Just in time for Valentine's Day, the SEC's employee's union lawyers have successfully overturned a rule banning agency workers from receiving gifts of flowers. Who says union members don't get any benefits from their dues? Nothing says love like the SEC

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